Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to Graduate from Bachelor of Science in Nursing

So, it's March! How's your grades? Are you ready to march the aisle while wearing your graduation toga? Wow! Sounds exciting!
photo credits to the owner
Bachelor of Science in Nursing is a tough degree. It's a 4-year course with many challenges to surpass and many projects to accomplish. Of course, we say tough because we also experienced what you experienced and is experiencing right now.

By this month of March, we can say that you are in different stages of anxiety. We just hope you have not yet reach the panic stage and please don't go there!

So, here are the simple tips that we can share to you on how to surpass BSN also known as the Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
  1. Study and read the book. This is one of the biggest highlights in passing the course. You are not Newton, so you better study hard. Make sure to read your books. Your parents didn't buy you boxes of nursing books just to display them on your study table. Go ahead, open the book and start reading the pages of Saunders, Pilliterri, Lippincott, or whatever nursing books you have there.
  2. The 30 to 1 Hour Rule. It's our own way of saying this.  It's our own term for studying, reviewing, and reading. If you want to study because there's a big test coming tomorrow or next week, you better set yourself to study for 30 minutes to 1 hour then take a break for 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Don't study for many hours without taking a break. Trust us, your brain will be drained!
  3. Be with good friends. If you are in university field with different kinds of people studying Nursing, you better befriend those good influential students. Don't go with those who prioritize late night parties instead of late night study. Yes, this might sound like an advice from your parents but trust us this really works.
  4. Listen. Listen to your parents and to other people's suggestion most especially from the Registered Nurses (like us :) hehe). Listen to their advises on how you can pass and graduate from Bachelor of Science in Nursing. 
  5. Be healthy. Eat foods that are rich in protein, take your daily those of multivitamins and vitamin c. Sleep as much as you can. Drink plenty of water. Drink milk before you sleep. Don't sleep late and wake up late but instead sleep early and wake up early then study your notes.
  6. Play. Have time to unwind and take a break from a long week school stress.
  7. Claim it and you shall have it. If you want to pass the 4-year course, claim it that you will pass! If you don't, you will not really pass the course. Always tell yourself like everyday that you will pass this course and you will have a degree.
  8. Always Pray. This always work to everybody. Prayer is a powerful tool to survive life challenges. When you kneel and pray for strength and guidance, you will have it. God will always guide you.

Happy Graduation Day future RNs! :)

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